Commissioning a portrait has historically been reserved for the affluent, but no longer. Strolling through galleries of portraiture, we wonder who and why, and gaze upon images of those who have been immortalized by their contributions to history, commerce, faith and leadership. In an age of technology, the brush and canvas, along with the gifted artist, eloquently capture those figures whom we admire.
We share with you one such example recently created through Galerie Gabrie.
Legacy giving is a noble path by which to preserve that which is meaningful in our lives. Rich and Ginnie Hunsaker, graduates of the University of Redlands in 1952, began their giving as a young couple with a modest contribution to the University of $25. Their unmatched commitment to the University's future and nearly seven decades of faithful philanthropy, ultimately resulted in the largest single gift in the University's history, $35 million, creating the Hunsaker Scholarship Prize. Only upon close examination can one find their names in small lettering planted on one of the buildings they erected...a beautiful example of ultimate humility and generosity.
In return, UofR commissioned this portrait which now hangs in the Hunsaker Student Center. It will serve as a reminder to all who pass by it of what is possible through education, focus, hard work and love.
It has been our joy to work on this project perpetuating the legacy of these fine people for decades to come.
Consider honoring someone whose exemplary life has inspired you! A family member, business associate or spiritual leader...these all make for wonderful subject matter in a diversity of styles.
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We present for your consideration an original drawing by Jean Cocteau.
Jean Cocteau (1889-1963) was a French poet, playwright, novelist, designer, filmmaker, visual artist and critic. He was one of the foremost creatives of the surrealist, avant-garde and dadaist movement - one of the most influential figures in the early 20th century art world.
The National Observer suggests that, "Of the artistic generation whose daring gave birth to 20th century art, Cocteau came closest to being a Renaissance man."
You may recall his unforgettable movie "Orpheus" created in 1950.
The ancient mythological figure Orpheus was a legendary musician, a prophet in ancient Greek religion, a renowned poet and, according to legend, travelled with Jason and the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece.
His love was expressed by ultimately descending into the Underworld of Hades to recover his lost wife Eurydice. Wow!
The gift of this drawing to the one you love will be an everlasting reminder of that which we are willing to sacrifice for love.
Notations in his pen, indicate Cocteau's charming personality as he uses a drawing to send a message to his own friend.
A very personal piece.
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Galerie Gabrie.